Lavender oil is an essential oil derived from the lavender plant. It can be applied to the skin and breathed in through aromatherapy. Lavender oil for acne smoothens eczema and dry skin. It is used to treat blotchy skin and face wrinkles.It has Anti-inflammatory abilities,wound-healing properties and is an insect repellent.
For skin : How you use lavender oil depends on what you’re treating. You can put it on your skin with a carrier oil to form a lotion. If you’re putting it on a damaged part of your skin, it’s best to use a cotton ball, which is cleaner than your fingers. For wrinkles and dry skin, you can apply the oil directly with your hands. Lavender oil can be used as a massage oil or diluted in the bath, for abdominal pains, allergies, anorexia, arthritis, bowel disorders, fatigue, hay fever, headches, insomnia, moodiness, trauma, anxiety, depression, hysteria, nightmares, fear, irritability, nervous tension, stress and just for the plain pleasure of relaxing in such a fragrant surrounding.
Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oils capture the plant's aroma, flavor and “essence.”